During the month of May it is a tradition in the Catholic Church to honor our Blessed Mother. In whatever way that allows you to do that, please give it serious consideration. This month we also give special honor to Saint Joseph, the pure and chaste spouse of Mary. He also deserves to be honored in whatever way we find suitable.
In this month of May the Pope has also asked us to remember a special intention. He asks us to pray for our deacons so that they will be faithful to proclaiming the Word of God and in giving service to the poor. The Diocese of La Crosse is fortunate to have many good and holy deacons, and here at Saint Mary’s we are blessed to have two very fine deacons, Deacon Bryan Hilts and Deacon John Bourke. Their presence and their service to the parish has enriched our lives and we are the better for it. Please pray for them and ask God to bless them in their lives and in the ministry they offer.
As we think about deacons I would also add that Gordy Ruplinger will be ordained as a permanent deacon on June 23rd. He is completing the course of studies in preparation for ordination and upon the recommendation of those who guided his formation, Bishop Callahan has approved Gordy for ordination. This is an honor for Gordy and also for our parish.
As a final thought, may I ask you also to remember in prayer those who are graduating. This is a graduation year that will go down in the history books since most graduations are taking on a new form and shape due to the COVID-19.
We’re getting closer day by day to the time when restrictions will be lessened and perhaps eventually lifted. As a matter of fact, Bishop Callahan sent a letter which you will be able to read on the diocesan website indicating that if certain conditions are met, our parishes can resume the celebration of the Holy Mass beginning on Pentecost Sunday. Stay tuned – more information will be forthcoming. God bless all of you and your families as we continue toward that day when we can celebrate together once again. In the meantime, stay safe and well.